We were delighted to be asked to talk at the Global Health Exchange (GHE) event in Manchester, UK, on Monday 8th June. It focussed on Building Education Capacity. There were people from various Higher Education institutions and different NHS professionals attending so it felt like a real opportunity to share ideas. Key messages from the event included: –
- The importance of thinking about health as a global issue and how to make sure this is part of training programmes for all health (and related) professionals
- The huge value in learning by visiting and working in other countries outside of ones’ own
- The challenges and opportunities in trying to capture and communicate the value that comes with these opportunities so that they become more widespread
We talked about our journey so far as Sharing Stories. We talked about relationships and listening being the basis of our work and learning together. We talked about needing time to do things truly collaboratively for the benefit of everyone involved. We talked about the importance in helping voices that often go unheard be heard. And we talked about legacy. By doing this work what are our hopes… and what do we want to leave for future generations?

It felt a little strange to talk without a big group of us being there from Sharing Stories as that’s the way we’ve got used to doing things. However, Sharing Stories people were there in spirit (and photos). We’re very much looking forward to working more with GHE as it feels there is a vision there that we can all shape and share as we grow international relationships.